
When companies look at investing in enterprise software, they’ll have a checklist of features and requirements for the software.  Something that’s often missing from the criteria used to evaluate a product, especially a new generation technology, is a point on quality assurance. Has the vendor established “a fantastic quality assurance process?”  Adding this to your checklist can save your company a lot of time and money in ongoing sustainment costs and will ultimately improve your users’ experience.

At MarkLogic World in April, Ganesh Vaideeswaran, Senior Director of QA shared the stringent quality process, methods and tools MarkLogic engineers employ to ensure an enterprise grade product (currently the only enterprise NoSQL database platform on the market).   It’s a great example of how a company can ensure their products are reliable and sustainable within an organization’s technology infrastructure.   MarkLogic’s commitment to quality also demonstrates why over 500 enterprise organizations trust MarkLogic Enterprise NoSQL database platform over Mongo, Cassandra and other new generation databases on the market.

Key components of MarkLogic testing procedures include:

  • High degree of automated testing, which allows for continual testing of existing features and use cases to make sure no change breaks something;
  • Manual testing used for complex testing scenarios;
  • Frequently scheduled testing that includes daily functional regression testing, daily and weekly performance testing, multiple stress and upgrade tests during a release;
  • Variety of testing that includes functional regression testing, performance testing, stress testing, upgrade testing – supports upgrading from any previous version to the current version, tests also include fail-over scenarios;
  • Transparency-MarkLogic QA provides test scripts on GitHub for customers to view; and
  • Customer Involvement – customers submit test scripts and scenarios that MarkLogic will incorporate into their testing.  This is a great way for customers to get important testing scenarios tested for them by the vendor.

Enterprise organizations need the assurance of high quality standards when selecting a product. It’s great to see that there is a NoSQL database vendor on the market that strives to ensure enterprise quality.

Watch Ganesh’s talk here, it starts at 42:58: