
DocMinder Task Management—Automating Routine HR Tasks

When global anti-virus software provider, Trend Micro, sought out a solution to help their growing HR department automate routine tasks, they chose DocMinder.

In a recent Personnel Today article, Trend Micro’s Senior Director of HR for Europe, Middle East and Africa, cites an employee lawsuit, and the ensuing manual search for information as the catalyst for change.   The effort prompted the team to take a hard look at time consuming, routine processes that could be automated, freeing up time for Human Resources to provide additional value to the business.   DocMinder (a document reminder system) enables users to set up checklists of tasks for people involved in a given process or project. It then sends them automatic email follow-ups at each key stage and alerts the process owner when something has been updated or tasks have been completed, eliminating the need for manual tracking.

Read the Article Here:  Taking HR to Task with Tracking Software

DocMinder is a cost effective and affordable user-friendly system that marries your documents to your existing e-mail system.  In seconds a future tickler is attached to a document. On the correct day the reminder is emailed with the document attached to the right person for action, and audit reports to prove proper handling are created.  By simply right clicking on a document, you can bring up a list of events associated to that document. DocMinder easily integrates with file shares, email, SharePoint, e-Docs, and other ECM platforms.

5 Benefits of Implementing DocMinder include:

  • Reduced costs and risks from missing critical dates, not following up with correct forms or following the correct steps
  • Reduced risk of picking the wrong version of the document when critical dates come due
  • Reduced issues from personnel turnover
  • Improved reporting and governance
  • Frees up time for higher value tasks

General Networks helps organizations manage and process critical business content, by delivering enterprise content management, data management, and workflow applications.  Our solutions are being used by over a million users in over 100 organizations today.  We use a variety of tools to create workflow solutions for our clients, including Nintex, DocMinder and K2.

Contact General Networks if you are seeking a solution to automate routine tasks in HR, or in other areas within your organization.

Written by: Cathy Ashbaugh, Senior Account Manager