

  • Client: Multinational Entertainment Company
  • Date: 07/07/2012
  • Info: Created an online recruiting portal

See how we helped an international company create an online recruiting portal using Microsoft SharePoint and custom .NET Websites

Business Case
A multinational entertainment company recruits and hires from many countries around the world. Through the hiring process the recruiters collect many different documents and pieces of information from candidates who are applying for positions. The recruiters needed a way to gather this information and then review and validate the information before it was sent to the system of record.Many of the pieces of information gathered were Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and so there were security concerns about transmission of data and of the data at rest. They wanted all data stored behind their firewall but needed a secure way to allow candidates to submit this information in.

We decided on Microsoft SharePoint 2010 as the internal validation portal for recruiters, which would store all the documents and information about candidates in the hiring process. We build custom webservices extending the SharePoint OTS webservices and surfaced those through a secure gateway to the DMZ. We then built a custom .NET web form that retrieves and sends data through these webservices and provides login and self-service user pages so the candidates could register and access their account.

Once a candidate uploads a file it is added to a queue for the recruiters to validate. We developed a custom view for documents that would show the edit properties form and a preview of the document sided by side in one screen. This allowed the recruiters to quickly validate the information so that it could then be sent to the hiring system of record through a custom integration from SharePoint that we built.

End Result
The Recruiters were able to save hours of time each day in trying to collect information from candidates while also having a security compliant way of gathering the required documents for a new hire. This has saved the company hundreds of thousands of dollars in build and operating expenses as well as have a secure gateway that complied with the security requirements.