

  • Client: Financial Services Firm
  • Date: 3/24/14
  • Info: General Networks Technical Services Case Study

No internal IT? No problem! This firm needed us to design, plan and implement a new network to replace its parent company technologies.


  • Financial Services firm with 110 employees in four cities that was a new organization, in the process of separating from a large multi-national parent company.
  • No internal IT staff
  • Needed to design, plan and implement new network to replace parent company technologies


  • General  Networks analyzed the existing systems at the client site and prepared a detailed migration plan.
  • A hybrid solution of on-premise and cloud systems (Microsoft Office 365) was selected for this client deployment.
  • The clients email (Office 365) and line of business application servers are hosted at secure data centers (Rackspace), with data replication to secondary sites for disaster recovery – business continuity coverage.
  • General Networks replaced the parent company technology with new systems, PCs and network hardware.
  • The GenCare proactive network support services include monitoring, patching and maintenance for the client systems at their offices and at the data center.  Additionally, we have provided two full time help employees for their Los Angeles and New York offices.


  • Client had a smooth transition to independent systems.
  • General Networks staff provides the client a much broader experience level at a fraction of the cost of in-house personnel, allowing the firm to focus on growing their business.