
SharePoint is an effective and flexible content management system that can take your organization beyond basic file storage. Here’s 9 reasons to consider using a SharePoint content management system for your organization.

1) Eliminate Collaborating on Documents Through Email

At its core, SharePoint is a document collaboration tool. SharePoint eliminates the messiness of the back-and-forth emailing of documents and other files. Store and share the file from a SharePoint document library and all stakeholders can add their content and provide feedback on the draft simultaneously.

2) SharePoint Content Management Removes the Need for Paper 

SharePoint supports the paperless office. A paperless office increases productivity by digitally storing documents with searchable metadata. This makes for easy search, retrieval, sharing, and editing of all the documents in your content library.

3) Alert!

You can set up alerts so any time a document, list, or library has been altered you’re in the know.

4) Developing Views for Better Content Discovery

Views are shareable snapshots of related documents. Quickly find all the documents for a specific project, documents that require review and approval or new uploads by colleagues. With the appropriate metadata tagging, SharePoint Views provide users with the right information for the task at hand.

5) Flexible Folders

Traditional file shares offer only one option for organizing large collections of documents: folders. Folders are a familiar, comfortable experience but can grow into deep hierarchies of nested subfolders over time. In this standard (but not optimal) content management system users must traverse up and down the folder hierarchy to find documents, which can be frustrating.  With SharePoint, your team can use a combination of folder hierarchy and metadata fields to organize and tag documents. This allows you to create many different views and hierarchies of the same documents, organizing by document category, key dates, authors, keywords, etc. as meets your needs.

6) Easy to Follow Version Control

Document version history contains information about when the item or file was changed, who changed it, and information about what was changed. SharePoint automatically captures versions of your content as it changes over time. Authors can view and restore previous versions to recover from unexpected changes.

7) Securing Content and Managing Document Life Cycle

In SharePoint, user roles and permissions can be configured as globally and granularly needed. Documents are automatically secured during upload based on the rules for the target library or folder. Employee handbooks and benefits flyers can be visible to all users while sales projections can be secured to a few managers and executives.

8) Storing Business Critical Documents

SharePoint is the perfect tool for storing, managing, and organizing business critical documents. Documents stored in SharePoint are secure, protected from deletion and overwriting and can be tagged with metadata and retention policies allowing users to find the right content at the right time. Whether you need to find the contract that’s up for renewal, the financial report your auditor has requested or the project specs your customer needs to approve, SharePoint has the tools to help you store, protect and retrieve the content.

9) SharePoint Content Management Control 

Nearly all the content management features in SharePoint can be customized to reflect the content management needs of your organization. With the right governance plan and SharePoint best practices in place, you can create a deployment of SharePoint that makes document management a business asset, not a business headache.

With General Networks in your corner, you can develop and deploy SharePoint to address your organization-wide content management needs. We work with stakeholders and decision makers to assess your current content management system, identify your needs, and develop a SharePoint content management solution.

Contact General Networks today to get started on your assessment.