
They say small businesses can’t afford enterprise-level document management software, we disagree!

Although most small business owners are convinced that they need some sort of proper filing for their growing content, they rarely make the decision to acquire one. The reasons vary and include tight budgets, no time to spare for implementation, doubting the ROI, and the lack of people resources to ensure the solutions are well maintained and users supported. Some will start using something like windows folder system, or light cloud-based solutions such as Box. And although Box provides a solid set of basic features for a low cost, small business owners tend to forget that they created their business to grow in the first place. The challenge they will soon face is with the explosion in their content size and the increasing complexity and reduced efficiency when trying to find content.

M-Files Back Office Vault addresses those challenges from Day 1. It is not only rich in features, inexpensive, secured, and can be cloud-based, it has so many other components that a small business, or any business in that matter, can and will require sometime in the future. By implementing M-Files Back Office Vault from the start, you avoid the inevitable–the complexity that accompanies moving content from your windows folder structure.  With M-Files Back Office Vault, you can connect to your content, located in Box, Google Docs, and even windows folders.

M-Files Back Office Vault is pre-designed to provide the following:

  • Accounting Records Management – manage and process invoices, receipts, PO’s, financial statements and tax documents to increase operational efficiencies and minimize risk
  • Human Resources Management – manage employee files (resumes, certifications, employee contracts) and data (contact information, vacation, performance) with built-in security for employee private data
  • Asset Management – Keep up with everything you own, who it’s assigned to, where it’s living, and any other information you need to run your business effectively
  • Contract Management – maximize visibility and control for contract management with notifications, assignments, audit history and version control to reduce inefficiencies and reduce risk
  • CRM Lite – a lite CRM to track sales campaigns, opportunities and contacts, designed to help your organization drive sales
  • Project Management – Find, search, and track project documentation and the status of documentation (draft approved, under review, etc.) to streamline the entire project management process

The most commonly used process automations i.e. workflows are provided for your consumption in the Back Office Vault, such as A/P Workflow, Purchase Order Workflow, Employee Absence Workflow, Contract Lifecycle Workflow, and many others.

The M-Files Back Office Vault comes equipped with the ability to electronically sign documents using the DocuSign integration function. The solution can be accessed from the free mobile app available from the various app stores. Last but not least, the solution enables users to collaborate on documents using features such as Co-Authoring, Annotations, and Review Comments.

Contact us today.  In a matter of 5 days, the General Networks’ team can deliver this solution for you.  We’ll help your small business win big!