
iPhone WiFi Problem:

If your having iPhone WiFi issues, it’s not a setting.  Apple pushed out iOS 12.1.2 and it’s breaking WiFi.

The most common issue is what this Pennsylvania poster encountered:  “@AppleSupport iOS 12.1.2 update broke WiFi sign in on the iPhone SE. Getting a random PW is incorrect even when was signed on to said WiFi. #MightWantToFixThat”

Apple is remaining silent about the issue but hopefully will release a fix shortly.  In the meantime, if you have not upgraded to 12.1.2 hold off.

“With millions of users around the world still upgrading to iOS 12.1.2 despite warnings (including one Maine, US user taking matters into his own hands), it has now emerged that the update is breaking WiFi as well. Worse still, a lot of users hit with the cellular data bug are suffering from broken WiFi on top, turning their iPhones into expensive paperweights.

Apple iOS 12.1.2 is breaking WiFi and mobile data for users around the worldApple

Once again, complaints from users about the iOS 12.1.2 WiFi problems can be found in every major continent: from North America and South America to Europe and Asia. Furthermore, like the mobile data bug, iPhone owners in the United States are suffering more than most.”

Original Post byÂ