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New Features (Teams Mostly)

Microsoft has been busy rolling out new features to the Microsoft 365 platform.  Most of these are in Teams.   Lists, Forms and OneDrive new features could be viewed as “not-Teams”.   Only the OneDrive “Dark Mode” and Lists “iOS App” updates are clearly not going to be used in Teams.

Most of these are immeadiatly available all should be by the end of February.

Features and Brief Summaries

  • Presenter View – Teams now displays PowerPoint in a presenter view for the presenter.  Everyone else sees the normal slides.
  • Approvals – You can now manage approvals via Teams.
  • Channel Calendar – Adding a calendar to a channel a great way to keep channel specific dates organized.
  • Managed Chat in Meetings – in “Meeting Settings” the organizer can new restrict chat either only during the meeting or no chant allowed.
  • Call App Update rolling out Feb. – This is supposed to have a newly organized layout that makes managing calls easier.
  • Planner updates
    • Background Image – Predetermined backgrounds can be added to Planner.
    • File Recommendations – An AI engine supplies recommended files you might was to attach to tasks in Planner
  • Lists
    • Rules for Lists – Rules that can take action on events in Lists can be added to a list.
    • New iOS App
  • Forms
    •  Response Alerts – The originator of a form can add a feature that gives submitters a response via email or PDF for anonymous posters.
    • Formatting for Questions – Questions can now have formatted text.
  • OneDrive – Browser Dark Mode

Here are some links for more information:

Collaboration Coach on YouTube

Microsoft’s official what’s new

General Networks team can help your team understand and use these features.
Contact us with the form below to find out how!