
case study_the beach club


IT Services for Social Club

“GenCare’s service is impressive.”
Thanks to GenCare’s proactive involvement, the client no longer has to worry about IT issues or software implementations. The team is responsive and personable, and they keep the client’s business running smoothly. They’re also approachable and knowledgeable, and their service is top-notch.


GenCare provides IT services for a social club. They’re in charge of managing, configuring, and maintaining their server, software programs and licenses, equipment, and cybersecurity systems as needed.

The Client

I’m the Director of Finance for The Beach Club. We’re a company in the social club industry in the Santa Monica, CA area.

The Challenge

I work hand-in-hand with GenCare. They provide us with IT services.

The Approach

GenCare manages our Microsoft 365 and other software licenses, access points, technology, and all of our IT services. They’re in charge of configuring and maintaining our internet network, camera systems, cybersecurity systems, and everything else related to our server. Overall, they make sure that we are up and running.

Apart from taking care of our server, they help us whenever we have to purchase anything, from different software programs to new computers. We don’t make any direct purchases; we tell them what we need to purchase, and they assist us with that process. Once we approve the purchase, they make it, and we then pay them for it.

GenCare works remotely, but one of their technicians comes to our offices every month to ensure everything is okay. I then get a report from them explaining what they found and a schedule to attend to any issues (if required).

As for our software, they were involved in implementing our POS, Clubessential, our camera system, and our maintenance software. Anytime we need to implement anything that will touch the server, they get involved to ensure it is done properly.

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What is the team composition?

I work with four people from GenCare, including a project manager, their CEO, and a customer service technician.

How did you come to work with GenCare?

When I came on board, they were already working for the club, and they were highly reputable in the club industry.

How much have you invested with them?

We’ve spent at least $100,000.

What is the status of this engagement?

They came on board around April 2016, and our engagement is ongoing.

The Outcome

What evidence can you share that demonstrates the impact of the engagement?

Although I love being involved in our technology side, and I’m good with those kinds of things, I’m not an IT expert. Since I’ve been working with GenCare, I don’t have to worry about that part of our business, nor do I need to figure out how to solve IT problems when they arise. I rely on their responsiveness.

I love that everyone on their team, including the CEO and the technician, is very responsive and personable. They don’t provide a generic IT service; they know our names and who we are.

GenCare has also created a great ecosystem for our file management, and our POS doesn’t crash, which is important. What they’ve purchased for us is of good quality, and we are now able to run our business seamlessly.

If our server were to go down, serious things would happen because everything is linked to it. Not having experienced any critical issues like that is proof that they’ve set everything up well.

Additionally, we have such a good rapport with GenCare that we take their recommendations seriously. For example, we’re going through a big construction project right now, so we were trying to find a vendor to rewire the ethernet. Based on their recommendation, we engaged with one particular vendor. We wouldn’t have gone with that vendor if GenCare hadn’t recommended them.

How did GenCare perform from a project management standpoint?

GenCare has been excellent. I’ve worked very closely with the IT team at the University of California, so I know exactly how great IT service should be, especially for big projects. I see the technology used at our club and how they maintain it, and they make their work look easy. They’re absolutely top-notch.

They’re very reachable through email, and their responses are immediate. They have ticketing systems in place, so whenever we create a ticket, we get a confirmation number. Additionally, they’re reachable by phone.

What did you find most impressive about them?

GenCare’s service is impressive. Although I have some IT knowledge, I like the fact other members of our team with no IT knowledge can call them. They’re very approachable, and they’re not intimidating to people with no IT background. That is why they’ve earned my respect.

Are there any areas they could improve?

The only thing that needs improvement is the process of connecting remotely to our computer. When I first came on board, I had to get the POS system installed on my computer. They asked me if they could get access to my computer, and they then just did it right away. My mouse just started moving, and the technician took control.

I was surprised by how informal that process was. At my previous companies, we would go to another website, type in an access key that the service technician provided, and record our approval for them to take control of our computer. How GenCare managed it was very informal to me, so I think that they should consider an improvement in that regard.

Do you have any advice for potential customers?

See what type of organization you are and what type of IT service you want. You should also talk to GenCare’s CEO because he is reachable and really good at explaining the breadth of what you need. Talking to him can really make a difference in deciding whether to go with GenCare or someone else.

If you are a smaller business, you should definitely consider them because they provide a personal touch. The type of service I experience from GenCare is very personal, but I don’t know how sustainable it would be for a larger organization. In that sense, I really consider them to be an excellent option for smaller organizations.