IT Consulting Office 365 June 14, 2019Jonathan Brown Microsoft Office Deployment Just Got Easier! The Office Configuration Tool can use configs saved in your Office 365 portal. This...
Security What's Hot June 4, 2019Jeff Baker [Policy Template] Should Failing Phishing Tests Be a Fireable Offense? Thanks to KnowBe4 for this great policy tip! Firing employees for failing phishing tests...
May 2, 2019Jeff Baker On-Demand Webinar | Migrate to Office 365 or Upgrade to SharePoint 2019? If you are currently running SharePoint 2010, 2013 or 2016 in your organization, you...
April 28, 2019Jonathan Brown The Problem With Passwords Microsoft is now saying passwords are not good security. What is the problem? 1)...
Cyber Security Security What's Hot March 4, 2019Jeff Baker Using Multiple Cloud Apps? Secure all your data with Cloud App Security General Networks can help you secure multiple cloud apps with Microsoft Cloud App Security! ...
March 3, 2019Jeff Baker Microsoft Teams, PSTN Conferencing and Bypassing “The Lobby” If you using Teams for PSTN Conferencing (Telephone Dial In), you have probably noticed...