
ON-DEMAND WEBINAR | Automating Paper-Based Workflows

Government organizations are no strangers to paper-based manual processes, which are costly and often prone to delays, errors and other inefficiencies. According to the Office of Management and Budget, legacy, paper-based filing systems cost the federal government more than $116 billion per year.(1) In addition, “The State of Workflow Automation in 2018” stated 55 percent […]

Embarking on Records Management – You Have to Own it To Do It: Part II

What Do We Mean by Records Management Program Ownership? Ownership refers to how information technology and lines of business executives collaborate to establish guidelines on: What constitutes a record to begin with Who the internal champion(s) and/or primary stakeholders are in the project Where records need to be stored along all stages of their lifecycle […]

Embarking on Records Management – You Have to Own It to Do It

Implementing a Records Management program is a strategic imperative which should never be taken lightly, neither by corporate nor public sector executives. When you are building a house your architectural design is the foundation of your plans and will determine whether your house will crumble or collapse over time. Similarly your RM initiative’s architectural design […]