
If you are currently running SharePoint 2010, 2013 or 2016 in your organization, you know you’ll need to plan your move forward.  

But to what version?  Continue with the on-premise route and upgrade to SharePoint Server 2019? Move to the cloud with SharePoint Online in Office 365?

As with any major decision, the answer is “it depends.” Some organizations have adopted a cloud-first strategy and will naturally focus on migrating to Office 365, looking forward to enjoying the latest features and accepting that some rework of their customized SharePoint solutions will be necessary. Others may have a corporate directive to retain highly sensitive or compliance-related content on-premise, making the decision to upgrade to SharePoint Server 2019 easy.  For most organizations running an older version of SharePoint the decision is more nuanced and requires analysis of the risks, rewards, and costs to make the final decision. 

If you’re interested in learning more about the pros and cons of SharePoint 2019 and Office 365, watch this on-demand webinar.

In the webinar, Joel Oleson, MVP reviews why your organization should:

  • Upgrade to SharePoint 2019
  • Migrate to Office 365 SharePoint Online
  • Consider Hybrid SharePoint 2019 and SharePoint Online

Ingrid Camill, our SharePoint Practice Manager, also provides insight on what to expect in the migration or upgrade process.

If you are an IT or business leader considering a SharePoint migration and want to begin to envision which path is best, this is one webinar you will want to watch!

migrate to sharepoint-2019-0365


Joel Oleson
Joel Oleson
Microsoft MVP & Regional Director

ingrid camill
Ingrid Camill
SharePoint Practice Manager