
GenCare Security: Is this your security pla?

Security has been a 2 edged sword for both IT Staff and IT Users.  You need it but it made using your tools harder.  That all changes with cloud managed security.

  • Loved by Users
  • Loved by IT
  • Trusted by All

General Networks can help you coordinate security across multiple platforms, using multiple apps and manage them all from a single plane of glass.  At the same time we can reduce the impact on your staff.   Making application sign ins secure and easy.

  • Single Signon
  • Passwordless Signon
  • App Portal for all your apps (Cloud and Line of Business)
  • When an employee leaves, just one place to restrict access.
  • Self Service Password Reset
  • Encrypt Data Everywhere (at rest and in transit)

The list of great features is much longer.  Contact us for more information.