
Government organizations are no strangers to paper-based manual processes, which are costly and often prone to delays, errors and other inefficiencies.

According to the Office of Management and Budget, legacy, paper-based filing systems cost the federal government more than $116 billion per year.(1) In addition, “The State of Workflow Automation in 2018” stated 55 percent of managers are spending 8 hours or more per week on administrative tasks, rather than the strategic, high-value initiatives that citizens want.(2) These stats just can’t be ignored.

Automating paper-based workflows gives state and local governments the opportunity to stretch their budgets further and accomplish more – in less time. To show you how to do this, General Networks teamed up with Nintex to provide you with an on-demand webinar that includes a workflow demo.

view webinar - automating paper-based workflows

After viewing the webinar, you’ll walk away understanding how to:

  • Build web-based (and mobile) forms
  • Orchestrate the communication and approval processes
  • Create transparency between county and citizen through analytics and dashboarding, without costly custom software development.
  • And more…

If you are looking to create efficient, time-saving workflows while stretching your budget, this is one webinar you’ll want to watch.

Register to view the webinar & slides today!